How to nature?
HOW TO NATURE? Video-Installation 12:00m
What are people looking for on the internet? Is the internet an open but simultaneously anonymous (therapy-)space? What are digital desires? How does a visualization of desires in the digital age look like? Wishes for technological progress are fulfilled.
Now it is about social innovations and a search for nature, romance, religion, art, domesticity and the apocalypse. The human being wants to move something except him or herself. He/She is looking for a resonance. Because of the abundance of the internet the brain finds itself in a constant state of being overwhelmed.The internet evokes desires and at the same time offers many ways to follow these desires and escape in virtual worlds.
Why do people not just go outside and escape into real nature but are preferring to look at images of nature on their screens? Why are they content with the illusion? The perception of the world is defined by the relationship to space. Does space have to be real or can it be virtual?
Bringing together the real and the virtual helps the audience to see both as one element. It is about a feeling of reality when it is virtuality and not knowing what is real and what is not. It is also about creating a connection between the organic movements and shapes of nature and the generated images. On top of that comes a desire for interaction with other humans. Communication with the help of the computer satisfies the wish to connect with others. Therefore the artificial voice of "How to nature" asks questions that people have asked the internet, typed into search engines, chats or forums.
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